Anna Mavromati

I am a writer living on the outskirts of Los Angeles where I make up stories, sing with a barbershop quartet and teach community college students the value of reading classic literature while also preparing them for a possible future takeover by robot overlords. All of this is true, more or less. I'm a horror aficionado and a ridiculous amount of my free time is spent visiting and obsessing over haunted houses.

This site serves as my blog and writing portfolio, a place where I can connect with other writers and lovers of spooky things.

The blog explores writing in general as well as current works in the horror genre--including film, theater, podcasts, literature, haunts, etc. I'm also a lover of immersive theater of all kinds, so that's another topic likely to appear on the blog frequently, along with whatever other strange experiences I manage get myself into. Whatever I end up doing, whether it's participating in an immersive horror simulation or visiting an old cemetery, you'll probably hear about it here.

My portfolio links to where my writing can be found elsewhere, on and off the web. My short fiction has been published in numerous journals and magazines, many of which can be read online (some of it horror, some literary fiction). I'm also a published journalist and produced playwright. In 2012 I earned an M.F.A. in fiction, the ultimate graduate degree for future starving artists, from Cal State Long Beach.